Propane Water Heaters for Greater Dallas Homes

Have you ever run out of hot water in the middle of a shower? When you use a propane water heater in your Greater Dallas home, you’ll have plenty of hot water to support your needs. Tankless propane water heaters even offer a nonstop supply! Propane is a popular heating fuel that has the ability to power a variety of appliances in any weather. This fuel offers a number of great benefits, including being cost effective and eco friendly. As one of the lightest and cleanest-burning fuels, propane is the fuel of choice among our customers. If you’re considering installing a propane water heater, read on to learn all the ways you’ll benefit from it.

Advantages of a Propane Water Heater

  • Value: Because of propane’s unique versatility, you get better value from it than most other fuels. Not only can you use propane for your water heater, you can also use it for clothes drying, pool heating, fueling fireplace inserts, indoor cooking, outdoor grilling, powering generators, and more.
  • Eco Friendliness: As a clean and nontoxic fuel, propane is both safe and environmentally friendly. It’s not considered a greenhouse gas, making it much better for the environment than many other heating fuels. In fact, propane meets all clean energy standards according to the Environmental Protection Agency.
  • Safety: If you’re wondering about the safety of having and using a propane water heater, you can rest easy. With strict safety codes in place, the equipment is tested to help keep your Dallas property safe and protected all the time.
  • Longevity: If you want to save time and money, consider heating with propane. Propane furnace heating systems can last up to 10 years longer than an electric heat pump.
  • Savings: Propane, as a convenient and high-efficiency fuel, has a lower operating cost when compared to its electric counterpart. An average home can benefit from energy savings anywhere between $500–$1000 annually when switching from electricity to a propane water heater.

Propane water heaters are worth it. We know you’ll make the right decision for your Texas home when it comes to heating. When you’re ready to order propane or request service, just contact us using our easy online forms.