5 Reasons You Need a Propane Tank Monitor This Summer
Cadenhead Servis Gas is proud to provide and deliver propane for all of your residential Texas propane needs! Every month, we deliver thousands of gallons of propane to customers and businesses in our community, and we’re here to help you take your deliveries to the next level. We offer propane tank monitors to help our customers keep track of their fuel levels and stay safe throughout the seasons.
What Is a Propane Tank Monitor?
A propane tank monitor attaches to your tank, and instead of having to go to your tank and check your fuel gauge, you can monitor your fuel levels easily and quickly from your smart device like your phone. The app and Cadenhead will alert you when your propane tank level is getting low, and we’ll automatically deliver propane to you, so you never have to worry about running out.
Benefits of a Propane Tank Monitor
- Never run out of propane fuel for your TX home. Running out of fuel can pose a serious risk to your home and safety, and not to mention, it’s also really inconvenient. When you have a tank monitor, you don’t have to worry about letting your fuel levels get too low.
- Monitor your tank easily with the touch of a button. Going to check your fuel levels all the time can be a hassle, and there are consequences if you don’t stay on top of it. Make it easier on yourself by getting notifications when your fuel levels get low.
- Enjoy premium, uninterrupted home comfort all year. You need propane all year long! Now that it’s summer, we have to deal with summer storms, and keeping your propane tank full to power your generator during summer storms is important.
- Be notified of drastic propane fuel usage changes. Worry less about fuel drains and overspending your energy budget. Easily monitor your energy use with the touch of a button.
- Get online access to tank fill history and information. The easiest way to conserve energy and protect your wallet is to know and have a history of how much gas you’re using in the first place.
Summer is the perfect time to install a propane tank monitor. If you’re ready to take protecting your home to the next level, contact Cadenhead today to learn more about getting a tank monitor.